Class History
The fall of 1965 found a motley crew of sophomores entering the confusing halls of LHS. This group had been used to being the oldest for two years and found the new position at the bottom of the totem pole very unpleasant. After a few weeks of getting used to the new surroundings, the Class of '68 began to find that high school life was not always bad.
In the spring of 1966, such long awaited things as driving became a reality. The class went all out for Rag Day, and many accredited their skits for having saved the event. The sophomore boys' skit "Barbershop Boys of the Gay Nineties" earned first place while sophomore girls took third. The class placed second in total ticket sales; Anita Huwig was the sophomore princess.
The musical "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" was presented by the music and drama departments.
Sophomore Redskin members were Mike Huston, Julie Deuth, Marilyn Nelson, and Mark Radtke. Nancy Buckley was on the Chieftain staff. Six 68’ers, Cheryl Gertch, Alice Findling, Vauna Braden, Mike Huston, Mike Reikofski and Shari Bower were inducted into National Honor Society.
Sophomore student council members were: Mark Bernhardt, Mike Schmid, Nancy Buckley, Anita Huwig, Mike Huston, Roger Lanning, Diane Beckham, Linda Kirtright, and Steve Zeiler.
The pranks and antics of the class were under the supervision of president Mark Bernhardt, vice-president Walt Ramirez, and secretary-treasurer Annette Lund.
These were the days when school spirit was still intact, and leading class cheers were Diane Beckhan and Connie Gardner as junior varsity cheerleaders with Anita Huwig as alternate. Linda Wadman was majorette, while calendar girls were Sue Haugen and Linda Kirtright. Letter bearers were Nancy Buckley and Sandy Smith with Patti Dever as alternate.
The junior class of '68 began the ‘66-‘67 school year with more privileges and confidence. Class officers were Mark Radtke, President; Tom Hull, vice-president; Sharon Shook, secretary; Steve Zeiler treasurer. Anita Huwig became the only junior girl to make varsity cheerleader while Jan Tesar, Bonnie Dykes and Sue Haugen were junior varsity cheerleaders. Junior letter bearers were Nancy Buckley, Shari Bower, and Sandy Lauer. Linda Wadman was head majorette.
Ten juniors represented the class in Student Council: Mark Bernhardt, Shari Bower, Nancy Buckley, Linda Kirtright, Jack Kunish, Mike Huston, Roger Lanning, Mark Radtke, Mike Schmidand Steve Zeiler
We showed our school spirit during Homecoming by erecting the famous 68 on the island in the lagoon. The historic event was even recorded on film as a handful of daring junior boys rowed to the island early in the morning and set up the huge sign, only to see their vandal-proof 68 bombarded by the seniors.
Despite our class's abundance of good material, only one girl, Connie Garner, represented us on the school calendar.
The high school drama and music departments presented the musical, H.M.S. Pinafore, to standing-room-only audiences in late November. Mike Huston, a junior, was student director.
As the winter wore on, and school began to get dull, the junior boys started finding new forms of excitement. Such ingenious things as orange peeling contests, and prizes for the most original lunch sack provided many hours of lunchroom fun. These activities showed that we were truly an imaginative class. We also proved that we were an intelligent class, with twelve juniors inducted into Honor Society. The twelve were: Denise James, Bonnie Dykes, Val Bernhardt, Marty Clark, Linda Wadman, Wilma Stahlecker, Tina Snyder, Monte Watson, Mike Schmid, Mark LaVoie, Ed Goss, and Janice Becker.
As Rag Day rolled around, skits began to take shape, as the class of 68 worked to maintain their position of first place skit. Once again we came in second in ticket sales, naming Linda Kirtright as our princess but once again took top skit honors as the junior boys took first place for the second year in a row with their skit, 'Young at Heart'.
Boys and Girls Staters were: Jack Kunish, Mike Schmid, Mike Reikofski, Alan Goodrich, Steve Zeiler, Monte Watson, Tom Hull, and Mike Huston. Since Mike was unable to go as he was leaving for Norway, Mark Bernhardt took over for him. Girl Staters were Mary Ann Southall, Val Bernhardt, Marty Clark, Linda Kirtright and Annette Lund, alternate.
For many of us, Spring Vacation gave us no time to recuperate from Rag Day, as the annual Spring Trip took up the entire week. After visiting the Nation's Capitol with its popular American Palace discotheque, Philadelphia, New York, and Chicago, the exhausted 68'ers returned home, swearing that the trip had been well worth it.
With our junior year almost at an end, we turned our thoughts to the Junior-Senior Prom. For our theme, we chose Sayonara and proceeded to turn the cafeteria into an oriental garden complete with fountains, shrubbery and even a rickshaw for the queen's throne. The entire prom was such a riotous success that it was decided the National Guard would be invited to patrol the cafeteria and kitchen next year. Everyone agreed that it was a suitable ending to our junior year.
Seniors First! The class of 1968 finally was on top again. Mike Schmid as student Council President, Linda Kirtright as secretary, and Tom Hull as treasurer represented them. Seniors on council were: Mike Reikofski, Glenn Smith, Marty Clark, Shari Bower, Val Bernhardt, Nancy Buckley, Steve Zeiler, Jack Kunisch, and Dennis Goeltl.
The class was headed by Mark Radtke as President, with Steve Zeiler as vice President, Jan Tesar as secretary, and Anita Huwig as treasurer.
Mike Huston served A.F.S. representative in Norway and kept the school informed on his activities by being foreign editor of the Redskin.
From East Berlin, Germany, Bernd Becker, also an A.F.S. student arrived to join the family of Mike Reikofski.
The first big event of the year was Homecoming. Queen candidates were Connie Garner, Anita Huwig, Linda Kirtright, Nancy Buckley and Shari Bower - who was later chosen to reign as Homecoming Queen. Later that night, the senior boys hit the water tower, changing the ’67 to ’68 and making our senior year official.
The musical, “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” starred several members form the senior class.
Redskin editor Linda Kirtright was the recipient of the D.A.R. good Citizen Award, and along with Mike Schmid won the local Optimists Award. All-State band members were Dian Margheim, Sue Haugen and Diana Jones. Roger Pearson’s FTA scrapbook took state honors and Margaret Hein was the 1968 Betty Crocker Homemaker.
Miss Loveland Valentine for 1968 was Connie Garner. Her attendants were Linda Kirtright, Shari Bower, Anita Huwig and Linda Wadman. Linda Wadman was also elected Miss LHS for the 1968 calendar.
Rag Day saw seniors sharing the spotlight with no one. The senior girls stole the show from the senior boys, taking first place with their skit, “Winemakers Puppet Show.” The senior boys took second place for the first time. The class set a new ticket sales record, enabling Marsha Painter to reign as 1968 Rag Day Queen. Other candidates were Sue Walter, Linda Kirtright, Jan Tesar and Anita Huwig. Bob Arndt anchored the tug-of-war for the third year in a row. The 68’ers also won the Volkswagen stuffing contest.
The class was lead in Pep Assemblies by Bonnie Dykes, Jan Tesar, Connie Garner and Anita Huwig as Varsity Cheerleaders. Senior letter bearers were Linda Kirtright, head, Shari Bower and Nancy Buckley.
With a wild prom night and a indescribable Senior Sneak, the class of 1968 wound up its activities in a fitting manner which characterizes its stay at LHS.
Many sentimental areas around the city will stand as living memorials to the class of ’68. Such names and places as “Blue Goose”, “Zeiler’s Cabin”, “The Bex”, “The Heights”, Factory and Fourth and thousands of others can only be remembered individually.
With the solemn graduation ceremonies nearing, members of the Class of 1968 will soon disperse to go their own separate ways. (Sniff).